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Specialty Show Results 2019

Friday September 13, 2019

Dalmatian Club of Southern New England

East Falmouth, MA

Sweepstakes Judge- Ms. Cindy Brown

BJS/BSW– Dal’s Alley N Summit’s Prada In The Boro (Andrews, Moreschini)

BSS- Shamrock N Highlander Rumor Has It (Quinn, Kingan)

BVS- GCH Riverside N Onsengeltje Baker’s Secret RA CA CGCA (Ramalho)

Conformation Judge- Mrs. Susan M. Carr

BOB- CH Brooksides Minit Man CAX3 BCAT CGC (Simpson, Lajoie)

BOS – GCH Merry Go Round Lavender (Baker, Ramalho)

SD- GCH A Place In The Sun For Bellwether &PatchMt (Devlin)

SB – GCHB Planett’s Fly Me To The Moon (Kaplan-Barrett, Barrett)

Best Veteran - GCH Spotted Gem’s Gaelic Amethyst (Marceau)

AOM GCHG Canal-Sides Imperator (Masaschi/Masaschi/Masaschi/Battistoni)

AOM – GCHB Riverside N Novus Greenfire (Blanchfield, Baker, Leyton, Bourque)

WD- none

RWD – none

WB- Shamrock N Highlander Rumor Has It (Quinn, Kingan)

RWB- Spotwdr N Element Princes Heir (Amos, Garant, Courriveau, Jordan)

Best Puppy- Dal’s Alley N Summit’s Prada In The Boro (Andrews, Moreschini)

High Scoring Dalmatian in Regular Classes/ HIT UB 196-PatchMT & Blackthorn Echo of My Dreams (Stephens)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Dalmatian Club of Southern New England

East Falmouth, MA

Sweepstakes Judge- Mrs. Connie Brown

BJS- Dal’s Alley N Summit’s Prada In The Boro (Andrews, Moreschini )

BSS/BSW-Prestige’s Kodak Moment (Forbes, Johnson)

BVS- GCH Blackthorn &PatchMt Thru The Looking Glass MXB MJB (Devlin, Devlin)

Conformation Judge- Ms. Carrie L. Jordan

BOB G3- GCHB Planett’s Fly Me To The Moon (Kaplan-Barrett, Barrett)-

BOS/BOH – Prestige’s Kodak Moment (Forbes, Johnson)

SD – GCHG Dynamic and Upton’s Huck Finn CGC CA BCAT (McNamara, Lajoie)

SB – GCH Merry Go Round Lavender (Baker, Ramalho)

Best Veteran - GCH Spotted Gem’s Gaelic Amethyst (Marceau)

AOM – GCHB Riverside N Novus Greenfire (Blanchfield, Baker, Leyton, Bourque )

BOBOH: Prestige’s Kodak Moment (Forbes, Johnson)

WD- Harrison Trail & Lin-Dal Beginnings (Ettinger)


WB/BOW – Shamrock N Highlander Rumor Has It (Quinn, Kingan)

RWB- Dal’s Alley N Summit’s In The Boro (Andrews, Moreschini)

High Scoring Dalmatian in Regular Classes- Novice B 190. Ch Lotzadots Raven’s Keep Double Play TD TDU CAA SIN CGC (Fraser, Wageman, Plaza)

Specialty Show Results 2018

Friday, September 14, 2018 Sweepstakes: Peggy Aguiar BJSW: Estate’s Stars Align to Planett (Kaplan-Barrett/Barret) BSSW/BSW: Bellwether Patch Mt Worth the Wait (McSherry/ Devlin) BJV/BVSW: GCH Blackthorn & Patch Mt Thru the Looking Glass MX MXJ (Devlin/Devlin) Conformation Judge: Albert Bianchi WD/BOW: Onsengeltje Never Enough (Adams) RWD: Lucas Legend Desmond’s Constant at Seapoint (Holt) WB: Lucas Legend Blackthorn & Patch Mt’s Yin Yang (Ellot-Johnson/Pruyne/McSherry) RWB: Onsengeltje N Juju Ready or Not (Adams/Linstedt) BOB/G3 GCHS Dynamic and Upton Huck Finn CGC CA BCAT (McNamara/Lajoie) BOS: GCH Bellemar’s Honey Badger (Schneider/Shepard) SD: GCHG Canal-side's Imperator (Masaschi/Masaschi/ Masaschi/Battistoni) SB: GCH Planett’s Fly Me to the Moon (Kaplan-Barrett/Barrett) BV: GCH Blackthorn & Patch Mt Thru the Looking Glass MX MJ AOM: CH Riverside’s Seattle Seahawk (Baker/Johnson) AOM: CH Erin N Alpha Omega’s Mary Tyler Moore (Martin) BP/2: Riverside N Novus Greenfire (Blanchfield/ Baker/Leyton) No Dalmatians were entered in Obedience or Rally

Saturday, September 15, 2018 Sweepstakes: Betty Pirs BJSW: Estate’s Stars Align to Planett (Kaplan-Barrett/Barrett) BSS/BSW: Merry Go Round Lavender (Baker/Ramalho) BJV/BVS: GCH Blackthorn & Patch Mt Thru the Looking Glass MX MXJ (Devlin) Conformation Judge: Linda Lewin WD: Onsengeltje Never Enough (Adams) RWD: Saint Florian N Granite’s “Sam I Am” (Byrnes/Mauel) WB/BOW: Merry Go Round Lavender (Baker/Ramalho) RWB: Onsengeltje N Juju Ready or Not (Adams/Linstedt) BOB: GCH Bellemar’s Honey Badger (Schneider/Shepard) BOS: GCHG Canal-side's Imperator (Masaschi/Masaschi/ Masaschi/Battistoni) SD: CH Oliver of Marshwind (Bourque) SB/BOH: GCH Planett’s Shoot the Moon (Kaplan-Barrett/Barrett) AOM: Onsengeltje Never Enough (Adams) AOM: GCH A Place in the Sun for Bellwether & Patch Mt (Devlin/McSherry/Pruyne) AOM: GCH Planett’s Fly Me to the Moon (Kaplan-Barrett/Barrett) BV: GCH Spotted Gem’s Gaelic Amethyst (Marceau/Marceau) STUD DOG: Ch Blackthorn & Patch Mt’s ZEN at Lucas Legend (Eliot-Johnson/McSherry/Pruyne) No Obedience/ Rally entries.

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